Submissions/Reviews/Guest Posts

Would you like to share your work on Examining the Odd?

If it’s fiction, poetry, visual art, film or music, and has a touch of the strange about it, I’d love to have a look! Email me at

To give you an idea of what I’m interested in, here are my favourite…

  • authors: John Cage, H.D Thoreau, James Joycs, William Burroughs, Edgar Allan Poe, Leonora Carrington…
  • poets: John Cage, Ghérasim Luca, Kurt Schwitters, Bruce Nauman, André Breton…
  • directors: David Lynch, Werner Herzog, Tim Burton, the Quay brothers, the Cohen brothers, Kenneth Anger, Maya Deren…
  • visual artists: Louise Bourgeois, Leonora Carrington, Hilma af Klint, Ethel le Rossignol, Max Ernst, René Magritte, Odilon Redon, John Cage…
  • instruments: musical saw, accordion, piano, non-instruments…

Please state whether you want me to feature your work or review it and please supply any links and credits that you would like me to use in the post.

Or perhaps you would like to pitch a guest post? If so, please send your pitch/idea/post to