Two Significant Moments

I hope you enjoy it. I use chance methods to create my poems, drawings and paintings. I’d love to hear from you if you do the same! Continue reading Two Significant Moments

5 Days of Oscar Wilde – 4: The Grosvenor Gallery, 1877

That ‘Art is long and life is short’ is a truth which every one feels, or ought to feel; yet surely those who were in London last May, and had in one week the opportunities of hearing Rubenstein play the Sonata Impassionata, of seeing Wagner conduct the Spinning-Wheel Chorus from the Flying Dutchman, and of studying art at the Grosvenor Gallery, have very little to complain of as regards human existence and art-pleasures. Continue reading 5 Days of Oscar Wilde – 4: The Grosvenor Gallery, 1877